Interactive body swap sex stories

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Julia Rosenberg, like her daughter, was rail thin and a hot MILF. Their parents were part of their influences. While Sarah used her beauty to manipulate horny male teachers to give her good grades, Steve worked hard in school and it showed as he was one of the smartest in his grade, a key member of the Math League and Mock Trial.

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Steve also cared much more about his grades than Sarah did. He was also a foot taller than Sarah, had brunette hair with broader shoulders and obviously, a much bigger gut. While she weighed 120 pounds, he almost weighed 275. Being an offensive lineman on the football team, his figure was much bigger than his sister's was. Steve was much more reserved than his sister, only having a few friends and barely going to any parties. She was the complete opposite from her brother. She was the most popular girl in the grade, always being invited to parties, drinking alcohol and smoking **, having sex and giving blowjobs to guys. She was the head varsity cheerleader, and her tanned skin was complimented with puffed up blonde hair, huge breasts and a huge behind to compliment it.

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Sarah and Steve Rosenberg were both Brookside high school seniors, but their figures and popularity were very different. Anyone have a live link for Sarah's Sibling Weight switch? This one is dead.įor once the stuff I saved comes in handy (asides from the obvious other reason).

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